For Trying Out Loud
I am always amazed at how our buttons get pushed; that our core vulnerabilities can be lying in wait and can surface again. As a therapist, I feel much of our work involves helping people manage those vulnerabilities effectively so they don’t take over and hold us back or cloud our judgment.
Recently, I decided to rebrand my practice and, therefore, myself. I wanted to emphasize some new areas of focus for me. That meant going out and representing myself to the world — something I hadn’t needed to do for many years.
I was putting myself on the line and risking rejection. I had also told some people close to me about my plan and guess what, they actually asked me how I was doing.
I was trying out loud and feeling a little like an adolescent. I approached a few people I thought I could develop as referral sources. They were receptive and have referred to me. However, the take-away of this is I talked to myself as I would to my clients.
That I could handle the rejection of that is what happened. And, the people who truly care about me do not love me any less if the outcome isn’t great. That is the gift. By trying out loud — I felt great support and reinforced my own ability to risk something and truly be okay.