

A Daily Reminder

We like to think that we can control many things in our lives.
Yet so much is out of our control, from the weather to other people’s behavior.
The one thing we can control is our reactions to what happens to us. I am not talking about appropriate grief, sadness or anger.
I am referring to whether we snarl back at someone who is rude or unpleasant.
Do we let them bring us down or do we stay steady?
I have reacted both ways and decided that it feels much better to not get caught in someone else’s meanness or negativity.
And, it can diffuse the intensity instead of escalating it.
Certainly it depends on the transgression. On a daily basis, however, not reacting badly helps maintain some control and you might even feel better not spreading the negativity.
There is more than enough of that going around these days.

Margery Lapp